Saturday 5 December 2015

The War On Christmas

It's Christmas, dammit!  Why are people trying to steal Christmas from us?

Well, they're not.  Nobody is.  You can celebrate Christmas any way you want.  Most of these Christmas Defenders are upset when they see the signs in the malls that say "Happy Holidays".  Those signs are placed there by businesses who want to sell as much junk as they possibly can over the holiday season.  So, instead of blaming capitalism, Christmas Defenders prefer to blame immigrants who, as far as I can tell, have never declared a War on Christmas.

It's like the myth of feminists who don't want anyone to hold the door open for them.  I've never seen it happen.  It may have once or twice but it's clearly not an epidemic.  But people will use this story (if it ever did happen) as an excuse to attack feminism because they don't have a rational argument.  I mean, who can be against treating women as equals?  Well, chauvinists.  But they don't want to admit to it so they demonize feminists.

It's also like this sudden compassion for the Canadian homeless.  "Why are we opening our doors to refugees when there's so many homeless people in Canada?"  Where was this compassion a year ago?  It wasn't there.  No, the homeless are being used as an excuse to keep refugees out of Canada.  These people don't actually care about the homeless, they just care less about refugees.

It's all a ruse.  The Christmas Defenders don't really care about Christmas, the anti feminists don't really want to hold the door open for women and the anti-refugees don't really care about the homeless.  They just have to mask their hatred.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Medical Marijuana

How many people have overdosed on prescription medication?  Seriously, I don't know.  A lot I'm sure.

How many people have overdosed on medicinal marijuana?  Zero.

I don't understand why people (who tend to be right wing) are for freedom of choice except for when it comes to a women's right to choose and medical marijuana (or recreational for that matter).  I think part of it has to do with the pharmaceutical industry and their donations to conservative parties the world over (as for a women's right to choose it has to do with religion, obviously).

Conservatives who are not rich tend to be rural folk who vote against their own interests.  They'll never be rich, they will always rely on public health care and they could probably use an escape from the constant pain of being rural folk with no prospects.  Smoke up, man!

Yet they always vote against their own interests!  Why?  Religion and a lack of education (and an aversion to books and facts).

I know a few people who suffer from chronic pain.  Some are religious, older, conservative.  They take medication that makes them constipated, their hands swell up, suffer from insomnia and other issues, which forces them to take medication to counteract those side effects, which has their own side effects.  I've suggested medical marijuana but they won't listen.  They grew up actually believing the movie "Refer Madness" rather than laughing at it for it's absurdity.  It's sad that the pharmaceutical industry causes pain when it should be alleviating it.

Their should be a film called "Prescription Madness".


Saturday 21 November 2015

The Middle Finger to the Environment

I honestly think we've all given up on the environment.

There is no disputing the scientific fact that we are having a negative impact on the environment.  I'll side with the climate experts over the oil industry and giant corporations.  It doesn't matter what YOU believe.  Facts are facts.  You can believe all you want that the earth is flat, the sky is purple or Nickleback is a good band.  You'd still be wrong on all counts.

Even if you are a denier (which would make you stupid), are you 100% sure that we are not polluting the planet?  If you have the slightest doubt then wouldn't you want the world to change?

You may think that pumping shit into the air isn't having a global impact (again, that would make you stupid), and you may look out the window and not see the sky on fire or a giant ocean where your front yard used to be.  Winter might still be cold.  But coral reefs are dying, there's an island of plastic in the middle of the pacific and lakes are drying up.

So, you may come to an age where the road behind is longer than the road ahead.  It may be natural to not care about the future if you don't have much of one left.  I guess humans are naturally selfish.  I would think it would be natural for humans to care about the continuation their DNA.  But no matter what happens the earth will still be here.  Just not with people on it.

Saturday 7 November 2015

1st Day!

It's a new parliament and Canadians are full of optimism!  Will MP's behave?