Sunday 4 December 2016

Sunny ways!

Canada has a new (ish) government and we're feeling pretty good.  Canadians can now look down our noses at our neighbours to the south.  We do that a lot.  Americans want to make America great again (by kicking out minorities, building walls and sending the country back to the good ol' days before women's lib and civil rights, I suppose).  So while Canada watches in horror, we feel smug.  We feel that a lot too.  But should we?

Canada is selling weapons to a country with horrible human rights issues.  It's building pipelines that leak oil into drinking water (mostly First Nations drinking water).  The government is back peddling on a major election promise, electoral reform.  The young (ish) Prime Minister assumes that since he's in power now Canadians are happy!  We got rid of that horrible old Harper who broke elections laws, lied about the cost of F-35 fighter jets, appointed Mike Duffy to the senate, blew the nations surplus before the economic downturn, used tax payer money for partisan advertisement, muzzled scientists....I'm getting off topic.

So, anyway, we now have a government who's cabinet is 50% women and launched an inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women (wasn't on the last governments radar).  These initiatives are good.  But is it enough?  The Liberals have always campaigned from the left and governed from the right.  We're still waiting on what they'll do with Bill C-51.  Canadians voted for electoral reform simply by voting for the Liberals.  Canadians care about the environment (even though we put that issue on hold for 10 years).  Will this government deliver?

So far, it doesn't look good.